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County Appeal Oral Arguments Heard

On June 16, 2020 the Appellate Division of the Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit heard oral arguments for Miami-Dade County’s petition appealing the City of Miami Mayor’s veto of the County’s application for a final Certificate of Appropriateness for the Coconut Grove Playhouse project. The court’s decision is pending.

View a comprehensive list of all the previous project updates at


Artists Grants COVID-19 Relief - APPLY NOW

Dear Colleagues,

We know the hardships many in our cultural community continue to face due to COVID-19. We are especially aware of the impact of the pandemic on Miami-Dade County’s outstanding artists. To help, we are proud to announce the new  Miami-Dade Artist Support! (MÁS!) Grants Program,  a joint initiative The Jorge M. Pérez Family Foundation and our Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs.

Re-openings: Summer Camps and More

Dear Colleagues,

Today, Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez issued an Emergency Order that provides guidelines for opening summer camps and youth activities and a process for the eventual re-opening of “movie theaters, concert houses, auditoriums and playhouses.”  Please note that under these rules, summer camps are authorized to re-open, effective Monday, June 8.

COVID-19 May Survey – Deadline June 9th

Dear Colleagues,

As we make our way out of the third month of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) public health crisis, the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs continues to collect data about the impact of this pandemic on the arts in Miami-Dade County. The COVID-19 Survey of Impact on Miami-Dade County's Cultural Community (CO-SIC) survey for May is now open.

MAY SURVEY DEADLINE: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 (include data only from May 1-31, 2020)


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