The Grantee must include the following credit line in all promotional and marketing materials related to this grant including websites, news and press releases, public service announcements, broadcast media, event programs, and publications: “With the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners.” For radio or television broadcast, we require the following voice-over language: "This program is supported in part by the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs." For television broadcast, display of the County logo and the “” web address is required. The grantee must also use the County’s logo in marketing and publicity materials, including but not limited to newsletters, press releases, brochures, fliers, websites or any other materials for dissemination to the media or general public. The County logo is available at under Grantee Resources. Grantees are required to credit the County’s support in any communications about the grant-funded project on social media platforms using @MiamiDadeArts and #MiamiDadeArts.
By accepting County funds, the grantee is required to recognize and acknowledge Miami-Dade County’s grant support in a manner commensurate with all contributors and sponsors of its activities at comparable dollar levels.
In addition, grantees receiving funds through the YEP and SAS-C grant programs must include The Children’s Trust logo and the following statement in all materials related to the grant project, including but not limited to newsletters, press releases, brochures, fliers, websites or any other materials for dissemination to the media or general public:
“The (insert event/program name) is funded by The Children’s Trust. The Children's Trust is a dedicated source of revenue established by voter referendum to improve the lives of children and families in Miami-Dade County.” To download an electronic version of The Children’s Trust logo, please go to: The Children's Trust Media Kit & Logos.
Furthermore, The Children’s Trust is requiring that any organization using The Trust logo in any communication and/or marketing materials, including Trust-funded providers, must submit material for review by The Children's Trust communications staff prior to its release, via this form . Please allow two business days to respond.
Note: In cases where funding by The Children’s Trust represents only a percentage of the grantee’s overall funding, the above language can be altered to read “The (insert event/program name) is funded in part by The Children’s Trust…”
The official County logo must be graphically depicted only as follows:
- In its three colors (the preferred presentation); in one color, BLACK; or in one color, WHITE, e.g., reversed out of a background color.
- The logo must not be altered in any way.
- The minimum display size is 3/8'' tall.
- No other colors, shades of the County color palette or screens of colors may be used in the official County logo.
Miami-Dade County logos:
Click here to learn more about Miami-Dade County branding policies.