Arts for Learning, the Miami affiliate of Young Audiences, Inc. (A4L) is an arts-in-education nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing teaching and learning through the arts and community cultural resources. A4L is a resource and partner to any school or community learning center committed to using the arts to improve teaching and learning in Miami-Dade County
A4L is a three-way partnership among Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, Miami-Dade County Public Schools and Young Audiences, Inc that brings artists and teachers together to help children learn and excel by offering live arts programs and arts integration services to K-12 schools.
As one of Miami's leading sources of arts-in-education services, A4L provides quality arts-based programs that connect the arts to other core-curriculum subjects to support academic achievement and child development. All A4L programs teach life and communication skills, support literacy and problem solving skills, foster self-discovery, and build self esteem.
A4L's comprehensive services include after school and summer programs, student studio programs, internships in the arts, arts integrated instruction and teacher and artist professional development. A4L delivers programs to 5,000 students at approximately 50 early learning centers, after-school programs and summer camps throughout Miami-Dade County to give children and youth the chance to create. Visit www.a4lmiami.org to find classroom resources and information on arts-in-education programs and to view what happens when A4L teaching artists work with kids.