No Wrong Door Initiative

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Miami-Dade County Mayor Levine Cava’s “No Wrong Door” initiative aims “to ensure that each person’s first point of contact with County employees leads to seamless, comprehensive, and compassionate delivery of government services and to create a network of comprehensive and integrated services that empowers all members of the community.”

Department of Cultural Affairs staff plays a key role in connecting the public to key services in the County and our community. As part of the initiative, we are all required to participate in a training that highlights the core services every department delivers to provide you with a broad knowledge base to be effective County ambassadors.

Training Video
Below you will find the link to the Keys to Unlocking County Services training video that can be watched on your own: Miami-Dade County No Wrong Door (NWD) Training. The video is approximately one hour and provides snapshot of all the services Miami-Dade County has to offer.

Please note after you watch the video you must complete the form via the link below confirming date of program completion. The deadline to watch the video and complete the form is Wednesday, December 29, 2021.

Watch training video here: Miami-Dade County No Wrong Door (NWD) Training. 

Confirm your participation below: